Pet Cemetery

Pet Cemetery

Create a living memorial to your best friend and companion

We share so many fond memories with our pets, for so many of us, our pets are like family. To honor our pets through memorialization when a loss has occurred helps us mourn the loss and provide an eternal resting place to visit and reflect. Even some animal species are known to bury and mourn a loss of a deceased family member. 

Forest Lawn Memorial Park  has a separate area devoted to pet interment.

We provide several ways to memorialize your pet for eternity. The following are just a few of the many ways we provide to inter your beloved pet's remains: 

  • Flush memorials in granite or bronze.
  • Cremation benches & monuments
  • Cremorials (flush memorials)
  • Niches within a columbarium in a private or community mausoleum
  • Urns

 Just as we pre-plan for ourselves, we recommend pre-planning for the inevitable for your pet(s) as well. Click to set an appointment to pre-plan and pre-pay your pet's burial costs. 

NOTE: Pets may be interred via full body or cremains. Pets are not permitted (by law) to be buried with owners or any other humans.   For more information and support services related to the loss of your pet, click on the logo for the ICCFA, the International Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association.

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